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The company has a long-standing concern about water. Workers are periodically trained on the importance of this resource, so that they can spread the idea about the need of saving water for the whole society. Since 2001, the company has been treating 100% of the used water, before giving it back to nature.


In order to improve the air quality, Togni has replaced all the burning process in the furnaces with natural gas, a clean type of energy. This concern reinforces the company´s commitment to the environment.


In 2008, Togni implemented, along with FEAM (Environmental State Foundation), the program for Cleaner Production. The program's main goal is to eliminate pollution during the production process, since all waste generated by the company has a cost due to raw material price and water and energy consumption.

PmaisL (Cleaner Production) is, therefore, a preventive method that helps the pollution control and leads to water, electricity and raw materials saving, allowing a significant increase in both profitability and competitiveness.

The implementation of such program at the company has helped maximize production processes. After several training sessions and with the support of all workers, new processes were implemented, reducing the consumption of raw materials and the generation of waste, resulting in an average reuse of 95%.


The system implemented by Togni S/A for the treatment of the sewage generated in its Production Unit consists of two phases – anaerobic and aerobic-, resulting in better efficiency in the sewage treatment process and generating less solid material.


Area being prepared for mining.
JAN - 1999

Area in the process of mining.
JUN - 1999
Area after recovery.
JAN - 2000
Area after recovery.
JUL - 2010

Greenhouse for the seedlings of native species to be replanted in prospecting areas.

Old mining area, after topographic work and planting of native species.

Planting of native species in the Permanent Protection Area as a way of thickening the gallery forest.


Phones: (55) 35 2101-2222
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